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Everything You Need To Know Before Getting Lip Filler

Thinking about lip filler? There’s a huge amount of information out there, and not all of it is accurate. In this blog, we will give you the facts on lip fillers. No biased info. No sneaky sales pitches. No convincing you to get fillers. We are here to provide you with the information so that you can decide if lip fillers are right for you!

What is lip filler?

Lip fillers are a popular cosmetic treatment that change the appearance of your lips using dermal filler injections. Hyaluronic acid fillers are injected into your lips to add volume. This can increase your lip size, correct asymmetry, add projection, improve definition, and adjust the ratio of your top and bottom lips. It can also restore the volume lost from your lips through the ageing process.

How much does lip filler cost on average?

Many things affect the cost of lip filler. Lip filler usually costs between $400 and $800 for 1ml. The cost depends on the type of lip filler, the medical professional’s qualifications, and where you are located. Some clinics offer 0.5ml of lip filler, which can cost between $300 and $400. At In My Skin, we charge $600 per ml and offer 0.5ml as an option.

How long does lip filler last?

How long lip filler lasts is one of the most important things to know before getting treatment. Manufacturers of lip fillers state that the result should last between 6-12 months. New research using MRI scans shows that lip fillers can last many years longer than expected; especially when you’ve had a few treatments. The longevity of your lip filler depends on the type of filler and the volume injected. The number of treatments you’ve had, how often you get lip filler, and your metabolism also play a role in how long lip filler lasts.

Can lip filler be dissolved?

Lip fillers made of hyaluronic acid (HA) can be dissolved using hyaluronidase (Hyalase, Hylenex). Hyaluronidase is an enzyme that works immediately by breaking apart the HA molecules. This accelerates the body’s natural metabolism of the HA lip filler.

Can filler correct asymmetrical lips?

Lip fillers are a convenient and effective way to improve asymmetrical lips. You can improve the symmetry of your lip volume, height, projection, and definition by injecting lip filler in deficient areas.

How much lip filler should I get?

The right amount of lip filler depends on many factors. A general guide to lip filler is to have your top lip the same size as, or slightly smaller than your bottom lip. Your top lip should also project forward a few millimetres more than your bottom lip. We usually use 0.5-1 ml to enhance your lips, depending on the size of your natural lips, and the thickness of the lip filler.

How often do I need to get my lip filler redone?

Lip filler is a great treatment to enhance the appearance of your lips, but they are temporary. The ideal interval between lip filler treatments is different for everyone. Most people need to get their lip fillers redone every 12-24 months. This varies depending on the type of lip filler you’ve had, how much lip filler has been injected, and how many treatments you’ve had in total. If you aren’t sure if you’re due for more lip filler, its best to consult with your injector. They’ll be able to assess your lips and advise if you’re due for more lip filler injections.

What happens when you stop getting lip filler?

One of the first things to know when deciding on lip filler is what happens when you stop injecting your lips. If you choose to stop getting lip fillers, your lips will gradually return to normal as your body breaks down the filler. If you’ve been getting lip filler for a long time, be aware that they have been disguising the ageing process in your lips. This means that when the filler is gone, your lips may look different to how you remember them. Importantly, lip fillers won’t accelerate ageing, or stretch your natural lip tissue, as long as you don’t overfill them.

Does filler make lips look bigger at first?

Straight after your lip filler treatment, you will have swelling that makes your lips look bigger compared to when they've healed. Sometimes swelling can be worse the morning after your lip filler. Your upper lip may lack definition and hang over your bottom lip. Fortunately, the swelling goes away quickly. Following lip filler pre-care and aftercare is important to keep swelling to a minimum. If you’re worried about swelling after lip fillers, then contact your injector for advice.

Why are my lips so dry after lip filler?

A potential side effect of lip filler is dry lips. It usually results from a combination of lip swelling, and the solution used to clean your lips before the injections. This can dry the lips out, and put the tissue under strain, resulting in cracking and chapping. Fortunately, this will resolve in a few days. Using an oil based lip balm after your lip filler treatment can prevent dry lips, and help speed up the healing process if you get them.

Should I ice my lips after filler?

Icing your lips after receiving filler can help to significantly minimise swelling and bruising, plus speed up your recovery. Icing your lips for a couple of hours post treatment is most ideal to prevent these common side effects.

What are the do’s and don’ts before and after lip fillers?

Before getting lip fillers:

  • Avoid alcohol 48 hours before your appointment

  • Remove your makeup before arriving

  • Refrain from intense exercise immediately before your appointment

  • Avoid blood thinning medications such as ibuprofen and aspirin

  • Ensure you have done your research about lip fillers

After lip fillers:

  • Apply an ice pack on your lips intermittently for 1-2 hours

  • Stay hydrated

  • Avoid smoking and vaping

  • Avoid strenuous exercise for 24 hours

  • Don’t drink alcohol for 48 hours

  • Avoid hot environments (like showers and saunas) for 24 hours. Warm showers are OK

  • Avoid taking a domestic flight for 24 hours

Can I eat/drink after lip filler injections?

After having lip filler injections, you should wait until the numbing has worn off before eating or drinking. This is so you don’t accidentally bite your lips when chewing or burn them with hot food or drink. Both of which could affect your result and cause a side effect.

Can I wax my top lip on the same day as lip filler?

No, you should avoid waxing your top lip on the same day as your lips fillers. Ideally, don’t wax from 48 hours before, to 48 hours after your lip fillers to avoid excess swelling and skin irritation.

Can I brush my teeth after lip filler?

Yes, it is ok to brush your teeth immediately after having lip fillers. Just be careful of your lips, as they will be numb until the anaesthetic wears off.

Should I avoid smiling after lip filler?

Smiling and other facial expressions like pursing or frowning will not affect your lip filler, so there is no need to avoid it. In fact, natural facial expressions like smiling help keep your filler smooth and even.

Do I need to massage my lips after getting lip filler?

Under no circumstances should you massage your lips after getting filler injections. If you do, you can worsen swelling and bruising, and even push the lip filler out of position, causing lumps and migration. If you notice a persistent lip filler lump after your treatment, you should contact your injector who will be able to correct it.

What are the risks of lip filler?

Lip filler injections do have risks. You’ll need to decide if the benefits of the treatment outweigh the risks. Your medical professional will explain the risk of lip fillers in detail. Common side effects from lip filler include redness, swelling, mild bruising, and tenderness. These heal on their own. Severe complications from lip filler are rare. They depend on the type of lip filler, the amount injected, the injection technique, and the experience of your injector. Complications include:

  • Lumps and bumps

  • Asymmetry, under- and over-correction

  • Infections

  • Skin necrosis (due to impaired blood flow)

  • Granuloma and nodules

  • Lip filler migration

  • Skin irritation

In case of a side effect, your lip filler may need to be dissolved. If you are concerned about a side effect, contact your provider immediately for an assessment.

Are lumps after lip filler normal?

Feeling some small lumps for a few weeks after getting lip filler is normal. This is usually due to local swelling, which resolves as the swelling subsides, and the filler integrates into your natural lip tissue.

Sometimes, lumps can be persistent. This may be because slightly too much lip filler was injected in one spot or because the filler has moved out of position. If you do have persistent lumps after getting lip filler, they are usually very easy to fix.

Does lip filler hurt a lot?

Pain is one of people’s most common concerns about getting lip fillers. The good news is that when done correctly, most find that lip filler doesn’t hurt very much. New lip fillers come mixed with local anaesthetic. Most reputable cosmetic clinics also offer a range of numbing options to further minimise discomfort, which you will find at In My Skin.

What is the difference between a lip flip and lip filler?

Lip fillers and lip flips are very different treatments and use very different products! Muscle relaxing injections are used to achieve a lip flip, in which the top lip muscles are relaxed to add height and reduce the thinning of your top lip when smiling. Lip filler is a treatment that involves injecting dermal fillers into your lips. Dermal fillers are volumising gels that reshape and resize your lips. They can improve symmetry, enhance definition, balance proportions, and restore lip volume lost with age to smooth wrinkles.

What’s the difference between Russian lips and normal filler?

Both Russian lips and regular lip filler involves dermal filler injections to reshape and volumise your lips. The difference is in the technique used to place the dermal filler. The Russian lips technique primarily uses vertical injections to focus on adding height to your top and bottom lip. It also defines your Cupid’s bow. The regular lip filler technique volumises while preserving a more natural appearance. In My Skin offers both techniques.

When should you not get lip fillers?

You should avoid lip fillers if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, have active cold sores, or have a history of adverse reactions to lip fillers. It's also important to respect the limitations of lip filler. You should not get a treatment if you have unrealistic expectations.

Can I get lip fillers if I get cold sores?

It is completely fine for people who suffer cold sores to get lip filler. You’ll just need to take cold sore medication to prevent a flare. Your injector will advise you on what medication to take.

If you have an active cold sore, then you must wait for the cold sore to completely heal before getting lip filler. This is to avoid worsening your flare and getting an infection around your lip filler.

Is lip filler high maintenance?

Despite common beliefs, lip filler is in fact a low maintenance treatment. While you may need a few sessions to build up your result, after achieving it maintenance sessions are usually only required every 12-24 months. Often people discover that they can wait even longer before getting a touch-up.

Lip filler at In My Skin

We hope this has answered all your questions about lip fillers. If you have any questions that have not been addressed here, get in touch with our team, and we will be happy to assist you!

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